It has been a while since my last post here. I have been very busy with life and work commitments. Everyday life is a hactic life nowadays. My working hours are not fixed to 9 to 5 but for sure I will clock in 9 1/2 hours to 12 hours everyday depends on the week's schedule. It may seemed a boring day to day agenda. You won't believe if I tell you the journey I went through for the past 2 months or so.
Wow! I have so many things to share I don't know where to start. Hmmm... Let me start with my birthday this year.
17th January this year just like any other day. As I did the years before I planned to be a Tourist in KL for a day. I didn't get to do it the year before, not last year and guess what, not even this year. It is just a simple wish... I wished I could spend a day with a camera in hand, nice pair of walking shoes, comfortable clothing running around just like the Japanese tourists in town taking pictures and going to the parks and monuments and be able to posse while holding up the two-finger peace sign. I'm not asking much.
Ended up I spent my birthday in Sg Wang with Sophie and my two sisters. Still I didn't get to do what I have planned. Better luck next year!!