Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What's on My Mind

Dearest Love,

Hye! How are u? I miss u....I do hope I am not disturbing ur day. How are u doing since I last saw u?

Today I have just finished reading a Malay Novel, Wasilah Cinta Weera. I would rate it as one of the best Malay Novel I have read so far. I can't remember the writer's name but the storyline had managed to capture my attention and desire to read it till the end.

The story begins with a guy named Weera, He is so pure and honest, the kind of guy a mother would love to have. He is a loving, caring and no nonsense man. Weera has a guy friend, Ray and they were mistaken as gay partners. Everyone would see their closeness as sensual, but no one could really understand the love they had for each other was the love our Nabi Muhammad SAW had toward his good friends. It was a platonic relationship, love without any sexual feelings.

The story has made me shed my tears and moved my heart. I cried while I was reading it. Last I had cried when I was reading The Kite Runner by Khaled Hossaini. The scarifies made by Weera when he had salvaged what's left of Sari Ayu's pride and dignity, when he decided to quit his job to take care of Ray when was bedridden with incurable disease were only one could imagine of.. When nemesis, Firdaus spread rumours and slandered him, Weera faced it with grade and patience of a saint.

The ending is simple, but meaningful. I have enjoyed reading it. If all humankind in this world have the pure heart as Weere, I believe there would be no war and no children would died hungry in war stricken countries. There will be no hate only love. On a second thought, if world only filled with love no hate or the 7 deadly sins, living on earth would be very dull. Hmmmm....

What say u? Life with no ups and downs, a monotonous day to day life be very hard to live by....no challenges.... I craved for challenges, it will make my mind grow and make wiser. Yeah, u may think that I am crazy. Maybe I am....

I have to say good bye for now, till we meet again. Do take care. I will find time to say hye whenever I could.

The one who is always thinking of u,
Edd Ardee

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

New Found Joy

Dearest Love,

Hi, Love. How are you doing? Hope you are doing fine ever since we've met. I have been neglecting you for quite sometime...again I do apologize Love.

I have been occupied with my daily life for the past few weeks with activities that I do believe is good for my soul. Yet I still have unsettled issues. There are so many ups and downs in my life and the recent issue is I have just got to know that I have Saka.....not just 1 but 10 sakas. I inherited it unknowingly for my Mom's side. The Sakas are giving me problems. All the while, I thought that I am very lazy and procrastinating so much. I have been having this cycle whereby whenever it comes, I will shut myself away from everything and everyone. I will become very quite person and unwilling to go out from the house to work or socializing with friends. And this is taxing to my everyday life.

I have met an Ustaz in Bangi who said I need to get rid of it. The whole siblings, nephews and niece have to be there for the procedure. I would I get all of them to gather at the same time...hmmmm...I have to....I need to break free from all this. Ya Allah, please give me strength.

In the journey of me getting the whole family gather, I have been searching for my soulmate too. I have signed up for social networking websites and I've few that I managed to communicate. I spend time online just to have a chat and getting to know the persons. I have found 2 person that I am very comfortable chatting with and vice versa.

First, there this person I shall named A who approached me in one of the social website. A is very pleasant to chat with, but A never reveal any detail about herself. I have never seen any of A's photos and A never gives any contact number. We would only talk and say hi to each other via YM. My curiosity is very high and I hope that someday I will meet A face to face.

There this another person who I approached in one of the website who I shall named N. N is very very very much younger than me. I am smitten with N's smile and cute face. we chat via video calls and phone calls. N have most of the characteristics I am looking for my soulmate. N shied away for a couple of weeks, and recently N contacted me back. The reason N buzzed, because N thought she saw me in Shah Alam that day but in actual fact I was at home. And it started. phone calls, video calls, chatting and I met N for the 1st time. We talked and chatted, getting to know each other. I see N as the one, but my mind is clouded with the what ifs.... There are so many things to think about before I am committing myself to N. The age factor, the distance, the time.....hmmmm

I believe N is having the same thoughts. I am giving myself time and space to think it out. I don't want to make mistakes again. I don't want to hurt N's feelings and make N suffers if we were together. I want to N happy, being in love is no longer an easy task for me nowadays. N, I will give you the answer tonight......I hope it will make you happy as the answer is what you are hoping for.

I have sign off now. I hope to see u again soon. Do take care love...and please pray for me.

The one who has been neglecting you lately....
Edd Ardee