Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Journey Begins...

It’s all begins on Tuesday January 17, 1978. The time was 2.30am, born into this world another mouth to feed for parents of 8. After a long list of possible names the baby girl was named Rosdahlia. That’s me, the 9th child and the youngest of Abdul Razak’s broods. You may think that I am a spoiled brat being the baby of the family, but I am the most independent and I have learned and starts my life journey as early as 13 years old.

I was thought to be independent by my Dad and my brothers and sisters, I was thought to do banking and pay the bills (not with my own money though) and was allowed on a long journey bus ride alone. I just need to have enough cash in my pockets and I am off to run errands.

My Mom passed away when I was 13, sometimes now it is hard for me to picture how she looked like in my mind. I have been living without her for more than 18 years. Thanks to the pictures of her I still have in keep. She was the beautiful and loving woman I have known and I do still miss her a lot. I am lucky though, I have my sisters to thank to. Especially Ong my eldest sister, she is 18 years older than me. I was born while she was waiting for her MCE results.

She could consider as a substitute mother, she has been taking care of me since as far as I could remember. I owe her my life. There are my other siblings who give me a lot of supports too.

My Dad, he was the pillar of our family. He never speaks much only said what needed to be said and I never got scolded by him. He never punished me for coming home late after playing at the field and never caned me or pinched me even once. I never heard my Dad raised his voice in anger. He left the job to Ong instead.

Dad passed away at 12am on 17th May 2006 surrounded by his beloved sons, daughters, grandchildren and relatives. He died after more than 2 years battle with prostate cancer and he never remarried. I pray to Allah that he will meet my Mom again in the Afterlife and put along side Allah’s favourites. I miss you Dad!

I am at the moment writing this blog is unemployed. I have lost another job. It seems that I could never stay in job for more than 1 year lately. I have big dreams but none have bare fruits yet. I can see myself as a millionaire in the future, yet I have not found the path to lead me to my big mansion. I have tried all sort of networking businesses which proved by many they could succeed. I know I will never get rich if I am still earning RM2000.00 a month. I must do something soon.

I have been to so many talks about making money and yet at this instance I only have RM1.00 in my pocket. How do I turn this RM1.00 I have into RM1,000,000.00? If you know how, please…please, I beg you, please share it with me. I need to generate money for survival (paying debts, food and roofs over my head) fast. HELP!!

Some may call me networking junky. I have registered myself to more than 10 networking businesses plan. I have listened to more business presentations and talks you could imagine. The latest I went to was a talk about how one could make 5 figures income by selling water filters. GOD, please show me signs!!! Please let me know what I am good at and my niche in life, so far I am only good at losing my jobs again and again.

Being 32 years old soon, my time is running out. I want to make my millions before I am 35. I always believe I will never live past 40. You see, I am a Diabetic, I have been living with it since I was 18 years old. Not exactly a strict follower of medication regimes, chocolates and ice creams still my all time favourites. A doctor said to me once, “ you are a time bomb, don’t you know that? I will offer you a million or two for you to become a suicide bomber so your family will get something out of you”. Some doctor you may say…

I smoke but I don’t drink, tried to quit but still lighting stick by stick every hour. Even now the price has increases but I am still trying hard not to buy a pack a day but a pack in 2 days… Further in to this not so interesting blog, you may repeatedly come encounter me mindlessly writing more about my quest for Money Making Machine and my favourite pastime, Traveling. I love road trips and I love foods. Next couple of centuries you will hear more me blabbering about food and more foods from many different places.

Well, I wouldn’t want to bore you with a very lengthy not so happy story of myself. I am neither a rockstar nor a glamorous celebrity you want to read about. I am just plain old me. See you soon…

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