Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year New Journey

Dearest Love,
I miss you. I hope this 2011 will be more meaningful for all of us. I have been out of my writing moods hence no post for quite sometimes.
Have you finally achieved what have you planned for 2010? Or are you going to achieve it by this mysterious yet glorious 2011? I have achieved few and I have set new goals for this year. I would make sure my dreams are turn to reality before I am 35. I am taking a step at a time before I am going for the giant leap.
I am turning 33 this year. I am still yet to turn the RM1 to RM1 million. I am still searching for the formulas and ways of making it. I have ruled out bank robberies and selling drugs as the vehicles. I want it to be clean money so it would last longer and I won’t have to answer to Allah in Padang Mahsyar.
Everyday everywhere people are getting rich. Riches and prosperities are abundance, and waiting for any one of us to go and grab it. The Secret thought us to think positive and think we deserve to have it. The Law of Attraction says, we are the magnet, we will attract anything…therefore why don’t start attracting wealth and health.
At the very beginning of 2011, I am down with fever, flu and sore throat. What a way to celebrate the brand new year.  Well, it has only been 4 days since it began and a lot more to come. Let’s not waste any, OK, Love?
This year I am implementing a different approach. Embracing and approaching it with the New ME. Wish me luck, Love. I will keep you posted with the journey. Till we meet again. Take a good care of yourself Love.

Yours truly,
The One who never forget you…

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