Hello Dearest,
It has been so long since I’ve last visited you. How are
you? Have you been well since? I have
been so busy with nothing, but lots of things happened and I was down and I’ve
gotten right back up again. Now, everything is back on track, even though there
are obstacles and bumpy roads and still more ahead.
I missed coming here. I’ve been away too long and I’ve a lot
of clusters in my head that need to be cleared.
Somehow or rather, I missed my old life, I missed the friends and the
times when I was happy being me. I am myself now, but I feel incomplete. I feel
as if something is missing, but I don’t know what it is.
My Dearest,
Sometimes I feel it is hard to be me. Sometimes I feel like
taking a persona and not being me. I can lie to anyone but I could never lie to
myself. I am going through my 33rd
year and heading to my 34th year soon, and guess what? I still have
nothing much to show and I could never say I am there yet. I do have a life, I am
surviving but barely.
I, sometime feel so alone. Even though, I am surrounded by
people day by day. I missed my friends, I missed my old friends but I am ashamed
to go and meet and greet them again as I feel I have nothing still. I always feel
I am not worthy of a friend. These might be the reason why I always making new
friends along the way but losing my old ones.
Don’t you worry about me, Sayang. I know I am a strong
person. I’ve been through this before and I survived and I can do it again. I
am very much happy with my current job, the job that I have left it more than a
year ago and I am back to do it again. I believe this is my niche that I have
been searching for. This is where I can be myself and I see myself reaching for
my goals. I have not achieved all of my 2011 wish list but I am going to have
it all in 2012. Pray with me, Love!!
I miss you and I will always love you no matter what. Please
grant me your forgiveness as I am in need of it. I will not promise you I will
give you the sun, the moon or will I make the earth stand still for you. But I can
promise you this, I will be a much better person and I will shine again even
brighter as loving you make me want to be the greatest person you have ever
Enough of my nonsense now, Love. I thank you for being such
a good listener as always. Thank you again for understanding that I am yet a
human and I do have feelings. I shall see you again with good news and sharing
my happiness in the future, as my thoughts would only be happy thoughts.
Have a good life My Dearest, Please take a good care of
yourself, and always be happy and grateful of what you have. I am grateful that
I am still alive and I am grateful with all the huddles in life that Allah
given me. I know, Allah will only test
the person who Allah knows could handle it…
I shall see you soon love, meanwhile be assured that I will
always be the one who will come running back to you and I will come running with
the pots of gold… InsyaAllah.