Sunday, December 20, 2009

Some Heavy Reading Done...

I have been spending some time reading on the net about people living Kidney Failure. All I have read are about their hard life as a person with a so called disability. It is going to be a difficult life ahead waiting for me, but as long as I am breathing I am thankful to Allah.

It is not an impossible way of life, I just need to be more discipline in my foods and medicines intake and no more ciggies and sweets. I need to make sure I would not have to undergo dialysis. Malaysia is just not like other country where I could arrange my working schedules according to my medical needs. Unless I am managing own business...hmmmm

Well, all definitely can be sorted out and manageable. They could do it so can I.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Recuperation Process..

Today is day 2, I am stucked in Medical Ward 438 in APSH. Checked in Late Thursday Evening due to Kidney Stone and I was so weak.

It has been more than 4 years since, and the conditions well guess what! Worsen by age. heheheh.... Not really... My body is taking its toll from the foods, drinks and ciggies. My kidneys almost said "Uncle!"

I was a bit down, it will be a darker future waiting for me ahead. It will be harder for me to secure a good job with my health conditions. Well, no regrets. I have done what I have done. There is none to blame except me. I did those things, I was the one who didnt take care of my precious health. I've thought I could live to 100. Boy, how was I wrong and miscalculated, I will live to 100 but in dogs' years. :)

My days are numbered. Only God knows. I will not be mopping around anymore. there are so many things to be done. I have a life to live. I have dreams to achieve, I have places to go and I have new things I have yet to try. But I have to stay away from Foods though, so gang, it would be less Jalan-jalan cari makan for me. I will only Jalan-jalan makan angin jek.

Here is My Bucket List:

1. Go skiing in Korea and learn to make Kimci.
2. Finally settled all my debts with Banks and people.
3. Swim with dolphins in Great Barrier Riff.
4. Laugh till I cried
5. Make sure I leave a legacy.
6. I have only friends no enemies, I will make peace with my foes.
7.Buy my love's most wanted gifts.

Well, my bucket could go on and on. But these are the things that I wish I could do before my eyes are shut.

See you soon in my next enrty. My definite life journey has just begun.

Friday, December 4, 2009


It has been quite some time since this blog of mine being updated...Sorry Love, I've been busy lately and I apologize for neglecting you. With all the training and the aftermaths from Bali I was too caught up with new busy schedules and obligation. 1st time ever in my life I had to work on Hari Raya!

Love, I have been thinking how are you doing while I am gone? Has anyone visited you or you just sat there lonely waiting for me. I do promise I will never be away from you for too long again.

Babe, I only have a few minutes left before I need to go and get ready for work. I am on evening shift today and only be back late. I am looking forward what kind of Customer I will be receiving call from today. The past 2 weeks had thought me a lot and I have met all sort of irate and interesting in a weird kind Customer. Next in my resume I will add 1 more best value of me, "Tahan kena maki".

Oh ya! I almost forgot to tell you, I am now a Call Centre Executive for a local Telco... who the name shall not be named here. I will definitely be back with more story about my new job.

I really got to go dear. I need to get ready mentally and physically for another day of listening to people complaining... :)

See you soon...
