It has been quite some time since this blog of mine being updated...Sorry Love, I've been busy lately and I apologize for neglecting you. With all the training and the aftermaths from Bali I was too caught up with new busy schedules and obligation. 1st time ever in my life I had to work on Hari Raya!
Love, I have been thinking how are you doing while I am gone? Has anyone visited you or you just sat there lonely waiting for me. I do promise I will never be away from you for too long again.
Babe, I only have a few minutes left before I need to go and get ready for work. I am on evening shift today and only be back late. I am looking forward what kind of Customer I will be receiving call from today. The past 2 weeks had thought me a lot and I have met all sort of irate and interesting in a weird kind Customer. Next in my resume I will add 1 more best value of me, "Tahan kena maki".
Oh ya! I almost forgot to tell you, I am now a Call Centre Executive for a local Telco... who the name shall not be named here. I will definitely be back with more story about my new job.
I really got to go dear. I need to get ready mentally and physically for another day of listening to people complaining... :)
See you soon...
oiitt jiwang nyer hehehe