Wednesday, December 28, 2011

2012 is Just 'Round the Corner

Dear Love,

How are you doing? I do hope you are being the same old you. The cheerful lass I've known so well. Always keep that up, Love.


I am standing here now turning myself 360 degrees, looking at my surrounding and trying to contemplate what are actually happening in this world today. So many things happening at one time. everyone is walking in fast pace and not stopping to say "hello" anymore. As if they are running forward and afraid to look backward to the past. Is this right?


I have been thought not to look back at the past and always look forward. The past is still the past and history couldn't repeat itself. I do have second thoughts of the teaching. I always believe that we still have to look back and see where we have been in order to plan a better future. The past is the essence who made us who we are today, and the person we are today will become the history in the future. We have to look back and study the history in order to create a better history for our future.


In the past, I was not a successful person. As I am standing here today, I still do not owned any car or house for that matter. I still have not managed to turn the RM1 to RM1 millions. Many would say I am way behind, reaching my 34th year and still have nothing to call my own. But that would not stop me, Love. I am determined to grab all I can and I will knock on opportunities' doors even before they come knocking at my door. 


I still have another year to go before I am 35. My personal benchmark, my goals. I am praying hard and working hard to achieve all my goals not to satisfy anyone other than myself. I am a high achiever, I am a high climber, I strive and I work smart to gain what I want and I know I will always get what I want. It's just matter of time. I believe Allah will reward me of my patience and my determinations.

Dearest Sayang,

I can't wait for the day I am standing tall among the people who always looked down on me now. I can't wait for the day when I will be the savior and me helping other than me crying for help. Till the time comes, I will not stop running and soaring to the place I belong and long to be... Now is the time to look back at my bucket lists and plan my future, as I am about to create a new history for me to look back and smile, let's say...another 5 years time.


These are my wishes for 2012:

1. I will own a car
2. New BlackBerry Bold 4.
3. MacBook Air
4. I will own a house.
5. I will be on board of the Alaska Cruise
6. Fulfilling all my bucket lists.

I have to go now, Love. Till I see you again. I do hope 2011 has been good to you and the coming 2012 will bring you the things you have always wished for. Please remember that I will always love you and I will always be the one who run to and expect to you to embrace me with love.

The one who never have you out from the heart,
Edd Ardee

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Come Back of The Wandering Soul

Hello Dearest,

It has been so long since I’ve last visited you. How are you? Have you been well since?  I have been so busy with nothing, but lots of things happened and I was down and I’ve gotten right back up again. Now, everything is back on track, even though there are obstacles and bumpy roads and still more ahead.


I missed coming here. I’ve been away too long and I’ve a lot of clusters in my head that need to be cleared.  Somehow or rather, I missed my old life, I missed the friends and the times when I was happy being me. I am myself now, but I feel incomplete. I feel as if something is missing, but I don’t know what it is.

My Dearest,

Sometimes I feel it is hard to be me. Sometimes I feel like taking a persona and not being me. I can lie to anyone but I could never lie to myself.  I am going through my 33rd year and heading to my 34th year soon, and guess what? I still have nothing much to show and I could never say I am there yet. I do have a life, I am surviving but barely.


I, sometime feel so alone. Even though, I am surrounded by people day by day. I missed my friends, I missed my old friends but I am ashamed to go and meet and greet them again as I feel I have nothing still. I always feel I am not worthy of a friend. These might be the reason why I always making new friends along the way but losing my old ones.


Don’t you worry about me, Sayang. I know I am a strong person. I’ve been through this before and I survived and I can do it again. I am very much happy with my current job, the job that I have left it more than a year ago and I am back to do it again. I believe this is my niche that I have been searching for. This is where I can be myself and I see myself reaching for my goals. I have not achieved all of my 2011 wish list but I am going to have it all in 2012. Pray with me, Love!!


I miss you and I will always love you no matter what. Please grant me your forgiveness as I am in need of it. I will not promise you I will give you the sun, the moon or will I make the earth stand still for you. But I can promise you this, I will be a much better person and I will shine again even brighter as loving you make me want to be the greatest person you have ever known.

Enough of my nonsense now, Love. I thank you for being such a good listener as always. Thank you again for understanding that I am yet a human and I do have feelings. I shall see you again with good news and sharing my happiness in the future, as my thoughts would only be happy thoughts.

Have a good life My Dearest, Please take a good care of yourself, and always be happy and grateful of what you have. I am grateful that I am still alive and I am grateful with all the huddles in life that Allah given me.  I know, Allah will only test the person who Allah knows could handle it…

I shall see you soon love, meanwhile be assured that I will always be the one who will come running back to you and I will come running with the pots of gold… InsyaAllah.


Friday, January 7, 2011

What's Happening?

Dearest Love,

What is happening? I am confused... What is going on in this world? Is the world now full of insanity? It is a very very crazy world.

In the past 24 hours I have been in and out of a relationship few times. Now, I am not too sure whether I am attached or I have become single.... hmmmm...

How do you really measure the love of the person has for you? Poets would compare it with the sky, ocean, rain drops...all of those elements are becoming too cliché. How do we measure the amount of love we have received or given is up to the standard? What's the standard?

I believe in love. I believe I am capable of receiving and giving love. I would never promise the skies, oceans nor raindrops. All I could promise is that, I have a whole heart and I am willing to share half of it with you. I have a lonely soul that is still waiting for the promised mate to dance together till the last breath. I have all my life to be devoted to the ONE.

I will always be waiting for you. I am standing in a crowded space with my hands high up in the air waving at you. Can't you see me love? I am the one holding out half of my heart as an offering to you. Yes, Love...that's me.

I will be waiting...even for forever. I miss holding you in my arms, I miss stroking your hair, I miss you so much. No worry Love. This half of my heart belongs only to you. I promise....

Take care, Love. I will be visiting again soon...ILYSM n IMYSM HHN....

Yours forever,
The One Who Is Confused But Still So Much In Love.....
Edd Ardee

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year New Journey

Dearest Love,
I miss you. I hope this 2011 will be more meaningful for all of us. I have been out of my writing moods hence no post for quite sometimes.
Have you finally achieved what have you planned for 2010? Or are you going to achieve it by this mysterious yet glorious 2011? I have achieved few and I have set new goals for this year. I would make sure my dreams are turn to reality before I am 35. I am taking a step at a time before I am going for the giant leap.
I am turning 33 this year. I am still yet to turn the RM1 to RM1 million. I am still searching for the formulas and ways of making it. I have ruled out bank robberies and selling drugs as the vehicles. I want it to be clean money so it would last longer and I won’t have to answer to Allah in Padang Mahsyar.
Everyday everywhere people are getting rich. Riches and prosperities are abundance, and waiting for any one of us to go and grab it. The Secret thought us to think positive and think we deserve to have it. The Law of Attraction says, we are the magnet, we will attract anything…therefore why don’t start attracting wealth and health.
At the very beginning of 2011, I am down with fever, flu and sore throat. What a way to celebrate the brand new year.  Well, it has only been 4 days since it began and a lot more to come. Let’s not waste any, OK, Love?
This year I am implementing a different approach. Embracing and approaching it with the New ME. Wish me luck, Love. I will keep you posted with the journey. Till we meet again. Take a good care of yourself Love.

Yours truly,
The One who never forget you…