Sunday, July 4, 2010

My Babies....

My babies, Cheeqee and Sir Lucky.

Cheeqee and Sir Lucky came into my life could be considered as by accident. Cheeqee is/was a friend's, She has some problems and couldn't provide full attention to Cheeqee. I was supposed to be a temporary foster parent but Cheeqee has been with me since Oct 2009. He is the Apple of my sister's eyes.

Sir Lucky has all the Luck in the World. He was almost rolled under a Waja's wheel when I first found him in the middle of a busy road. If he were a female I would have named him Lady Luck, that's the reason he is called Sir Lucky.....

These 2 munchkins are my heart and soul as I am in my journey in the Single Town. They light up my life and they always make me smile.....

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