Friday, July 9, 2010

The Twilight Saga - Eclipse

Last nite, together with the Sky's Gang headed to Mid Valley to catch the most raved about Eclipse. I went in with no expectation and came out with nothing as well. The whole story was involved in saving Bella and numerous of dead people, dead people becoming new vampires along the way. Owh Bella, what make u so great? I couldn't see a thing.

Bella, as previous Saga, still head on with her decision of becoming a vampire herself so she could be forever with Edward. She's willing to scarify everything, willing to say goodbyes the parents and old life. Owh what a huge scarify and soooo nobel of you, Bella.

Jacob on the other hand, knows what he wanted. He wanted Bella and he made it known to Bella how does he feels her. Some might say Jacob is a bit pushy. He just knows his heart and he listens to it. I could reflexed myself in Jacob. I would always be franked when it comes to my feelings. I will tell the person I like outright that I am pursuing and in loved. Whether the person will be mine in the end, still a big question. I wouldn't stop fighting and winning the person's heart, I will play fair and go with the flow....

Edward Cullen, didn't give the impact I expect, it seems like he is just one of the extras. The most good looking extras....hehehehhehe All in all, Twilight is not my makanan laa....I prefer reading the books..... hmmm new twilight is in the making i heard....hmmmmm

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