Saturday, July 3, 2010

Thinking of someone....

Hye Love,

How are you doing today? Any interesting thing to share? Well, hope you have enjoyed your day so far.

Remember M, I have mention M to your previously, how I like M so much. How M's smile could melt me in seconds and M's piercing eyes could make me swooned...hahahah.....

It has been almost 2 weeks since I have first met M. Everyday since I am smitten by M. You may think I am crazy to be head over heel for a person I have only known for a very short while. I only met M twice. Crazy me! But to tell you the truth, I am crazy about M and couldn't get M out of my mind.

Everyday, I always make a point to talk to M over the phone. I need to listen to M's voice before I'm going to start the day. Until I am afraid I am disturbing and trespassing. M still giving me mixed signals....arghhh.....should I pursue u or just stay away, M????

Please give me some advice, should I or just back away and remained friends with M? ......HELP!

Hope to hear from you soon Love, I have to go now, just want to give M a call... See you soon.

The one who loved to love,

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